Saturday, February 9, 2013

Reflection Memo

     When trying to think of a topic for paper #1, I decided to choose a literacy that I did the most often. Looking back at the literacy logs that we filled out, I noticed that the literacy that I did the most each day was texting. Once figuring that out, it was easy to think of many issues that related to texting. Some issues that I brainstormed included texting in class, texting while driving, texting at the table, and cyber bullying. Out of these ideas, I had to pick one that was relevant to me in the sense that it applied to some event that occurred in my life. Looking at what I came up with, my story of my friend texting and driving jumped in my mind which was perfect because it was one of the more major issues out of everything on my list.
     As I started to write my rough draft, I planned to start off with my narrative. As I was explaining it, there were many parts in the story where I wanted to stop and explain how this was an issue. That is when I decided to split up my story and connect it to the issue separately.
     When revising the rough draft, I made sure that my story and how that story connects to the issue was clearly differentiated. My main concern was that readers would confuse the two which would ruin the flow of the whole paper.
     I think that a strength of paper #1 was the format as it was unconventional and engaging. A weakness was finding a good balance between the lengths of the story and the issue. I learned that it is wise to write the rough draft little by little everyday so you won't be overwhelmed last minute. I want paper #2 to be more planned out as a lot more research has to go into this paper compared to the first.

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