Friday, February 15, 2013

IAR Strategies - The Song Decoders


What is invention?
- The author, Rob Walker, had to look up the history of Pandora before creating this text
- Walker used Twitter to issue a call to Pandora users who feel that it had an impact on their listening tastes
- Walker sat in a meeting of several Pandora's song deconstructors talking about Indian music
- Walker used Pandora himself by typing in the name of a specific artist or song on the website

What is being invented?
- Walker is unveiling the behind the scenes action of the methods of Pandora
- He explains "The Music Genome Project" of Pandora which involves algorithms and "genes" of songs that a computer can analyze to see what other songs you would like depending on one you picked


What is arrangement?
- Walker is putting individual tastes in music in relation to how Pandora arranges music
- How Pandora arranges and analyzes music is free of cultural influence and very technical
- Individual tastes in music depend on culture and peers and common sense

What is being arranged?
- Walker uses evidence and quotes from Pandora users who are both unimpressed and impressed by Pandora's method of analyzing music
- Walker breaks down how Pandora decodes songs and groups them in relation to how others may group their music tastes


What is revision?
- Walker states that Pandora can guide listeners to what music they like using their algorithm
- He says that lately, social systems of music-liking are popular and Pandora is one of them

What is being revised?
- Walker provides a lot of support including quotes from Pandora users and C.E.O.'s of other companies similar to Pandora
- He gets direct methods of how Pandora analyzes music including melody, harmony, rhythm, lyrics, etc.

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