Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Reflection Memo - Paper #3

     For this music research project, I first thought about what my favorite thing about music was. I asked myself why I listen to music in the first place and the answer was because of the lyrics. I think lyrics are one of the most important parts to a song and so I decided to write about them. Then, I had to connect this idea of lyrics to an issue and the first thing that came to my mind was profanity.
     As I was writing my rough draft, I wanted to incorporate evidence of the points I was making about the evolution of lyrics so I included lyrics of different songs by different artists for support. This slightly changed the structure of my paper (in a positive way, I hope).
     This was the first time I had to conduct my own primary research and it was a good experience. I wish I would have had a better outline for my paper before the interview took place because I realized afterwards that I could have asked better questions. I consider that one of the weaknesses of this paper.
     I look back and conclude that I should have done more research earlier. It is much easier to write with the research already done than trying to search for more sources to fit into my paper.

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