Saturday, April 27, 2013

Reflection Memo - Paper #2

     The topic of popular cultural artifacts are so broad and it seemed difficult for me to narrow it down. However, I liked the freedom and flexibility I had in choosing the artifact to write about. I chose to write about Facebook because it is the popular cultural artifact that I use the most.
     When thinking of the issues that relate to Facebook, I didn't want to stick with just one because there were quite a few that I brainstormed. There must be a reason why Facebook is such a popular cultural artifact though, so I also brainstormed the advantages of Facebook. Because I now had the pros and cons of Facebook, I felt it appropriate to structure my paper in a way that illustrates both.
     One obstacle while writing this paper was making sure that my audience did not think that I was neutral on this topic. Although I was showing both the good and bad of Facebook, I needed to make sure I emphasized my point of how Facebook stalking is a concerning issue.

Reflection Memo - Digital Remix Project

     When thinking of which paper to choose to remix for this project, the narrative paper seemed of upmost interest to me because it reminded me of a movie that could be based on a true story. So, as I was looking through the possible genres I could use, a "movie trailer" fit perfectly.
     I watched a lot of trailers before planning out my storyboard just so I could get a feel of what real trailers look like and how I could make mine characteristic to them. That could be considered "research" in a way as I was looking into trailers for similarities and facts.
     The average duration of movie trailers are about 1:30-2 minutes long so I wanted to fit mine in that time slot as well. The filming process was fun as I got to involve my friends into the project and direct this trailer. I have never used iMovie before which was a disadvantage but it wasn't too difficult to learn how to use. This project was definitely my favorite one over the papers that we did in this course.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Reflection Memo - Paper #3

     For this music research project, I first thought about what my favorite thing about music was. I asked myself why I listen to music in the first place and the answer was because of the lyrics. I think lyrics are one of the most important parts to a song and so I decided to write about them. Then, I had to connect this idea of lyrics to an issue and the first thing that came to my mind was profanity.
     As I was writing my rough draft, I wanted to incorporate evidence of the points I was making about the evolution of lyrics so I included lyrics of different songs by different artists for support. This slightly changed the structure of my paper (in a positive way, I hope).
     This was the first time I had to conduct my own primary research and it was a good experience. I wish I would have had a better outline for my paper before the interview took place because I realized afterwards that I could have asked better questions. I consider that one of the weaknesses of this paper.
     I look back and conclude that I should have done more research earlier. It is much easier to write with the research already done than trying to search for more sources to fit into my paper.