Saturday, April 27, 2013

Reflection Memo - Paper #2

     The topic of popular cultural artifacts are so broad and it seemed difficult for me to narrow it down. However, I liked the freedom and flexibility I had in choosing the artifact to write about. I chose to write about Facebook because it is the popular cultural artifact that I use the most.
     When thinking of the issues that relate to Facebook, I didn't want to stick with just one because there were quite a few that I brainstormed. There must be a reason why Facebook is such a popular cultural artifact though, so I also brainstormed the advantages of Facebook. Because I now had the pros and cons of Facebook, I felt it appropriate to structure my paper in a way that illustrates both.
     One obstacle while writing this paper was making sure that my audience did not think that I was neutral on this topic. Although I was showing both the good and bad of Facebook, I needed to make sure I emphasized my point of how Facebook stalking is a concerning issue.

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