Saturday, April 27, 2013

Reflection Memo - Digital Remix Project

     When thinking of which paper to choose to remix for this project, the narrative paper seemed of upmost interest to me because it reminded me of a movie that could be based on a true story. So, as I was looking through the possible genres I could use, a "movie trailer" fit perfectly.
     I watched a lot of trailers before planning out my storyboard just so I could get a feel of what real trailers look like and how I could make mine characteristic to them. That could be considered "research" in a way as I was looking into trailers for similarities and facts.
     The average duration of movie trailers are about 1:30-2 minutes long so I wanted to fit mine in that time slot as well. The filming process was fun as I got to involve my friends into the project and direct this trailer. I have never used iMovie before which was a disadvantage but it wasn't too difficult to learn how to use. This project was definitely my favorite one over the papers that we did in this course.

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